Item 791 out of 807
Lot # 791 - George V and Mary Coronation Durbar Medal of 1911.
George V and Mary Coronation Durbar Medal of 1911.
George V and Mary Coronation Durbar Medal of 1911. George V and Mary Coronation Durbar Medal of 1911.
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  •   e-Auction # 35
  •  Bids: 0
  •  Views:15880
Start Price 1000 Estimated Price 1000-1500
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Quick Description
MetalCupro NickelYear (AH/VS/SE/AM)1911
Full Description:

Medal, Copper Nickel Coronation Durbar Medal, 1911, Obv: conjoined crowned busts of King and Queen, right. around border "GEORGE V * MARY: Rev: imperial crown at top with sun rays, two branches at sides enclosing, 12TH DECEMBER 1911, 12.33g, 31.64mm, about very fine.

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